An Apartheid Horror File

Examples of race-based policy and funding statements from Cabinet Ministers since April 2003

"The Mäori Television Service is being established as a public service broadcaster with specific obligations to ensure Mäori perspectives, heritage, culture and language are [sic] presented on the small screen."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'Media studies and broadcasting,'
Wednesday, 16 April 2003)
Apartheid TV on the way … one day soon … very soon.

"It will have a major impact on Mäori social, cultural and economic development."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'Maharey backs Mäori Television,'
Wednesday, 16 April 2003)
It will certainly have a major impact on the wallets of those purveying Mäori television …

"The indigenous people of New Zealand are the Mäori. A formal agreement, called the Treaty of Waitangi, was drawn up between local Mäori chiefs and representatives of the British settlers in 1840. This document has come to be regarded as the founding document of the nation of New Zealand."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: Speech to the Chilean Congress on New Zealand's state sector reform, Thursday, 17 April 2003)
Michael Cullen betraying the fact that he has no idea what a nation's founding document might actually look like. Can we recommend a look at the US Constitution, Michael?

"Government agencies must co-ordinate and work together with hapu and iwi to support whanau and communities to pursue their own priorities."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Tariana Turia: 'Tariana Turia's Beehive Chat,' Monday, 28 April 2003)
'Means more money for Mäoris, eh Bro.'

"Building an inclusive New Zealand requires a commitment to world-class social policies in areas such as health, housing, education, social assistance, fpm) ilies and development policies for Mäori and Pacific communities."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'Connecting policy, research and practice,'
Tuesday, 29 April 2003)
An 'inclusive New Zealand' means more money for Mäoris, eh Bro. But that's not racism, that's inclusion. Got it?

"The improved ratio applies to Mäori students who are taught in Mäori for more than 12.5 hours a week at year 11 and under, and will directly provide greater support for learning in te reo Mäori. Teacher supply initiatives for Mäori include TeachNZ scholarships for Mäori and Mäori-medium student teachers, and te reo Mäori continuing as one of the seven subjects in the Secondary Subject Trainee Allowance scheme."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Parekura Horomia: 'Funding for more teachers in schools''
Tuesday, 29 April 2003)
More money for separatism in schools.

"Margaret Wilson said the Government was committed to resolving Treaty claims, and to this end the budget would provide further funding of $5.58 million over the next four years to cater for stream lined processes and greater negotiations activity.
The extra resources are required to support the Government's expectation
that there will be at least two settlements per year, and the fact that
more iwi are entering or preparing for settlement negotiations."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Margaret Wilson: 'Ngati Whatua o Orakei negotiations'
Friday, 2 May 2003)
More race-based Danegeld.

"Education also helps to shape our unique culture and the way we live within our environment. It is at the heart of what it means to be a New Zealander and a global citizen in a changing world. The education system plays a crucial role in supporting te reo and tikanga Mäori, and providing opportunities to help access te reo Mäori, the Mäori world. The education system plays an important role in enabling and preparing Mäori to live as Mäori as well as citizens of the world. The Government expects the Ministry of Education and other agencies to recognise and reflect the Treaty of Waitangi in all their work to help realise our goals for New Zealand."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Education Priorities for New Zealand,'
Monday, 5 May 2003)
The education system plays a crucial role in transmitting the prevailing politically correct state 'wisdom' to impressionable youngsters. YOUR youngsters!

"We have insisted that our public services, such as health and education, will remain
under our control and that nothing will affect the government's capacity to carry out its Treaty of Waitangi obligations."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Dr Michael Cullen: Speech to Auckland Regional Labour Conference, Monday, 5 May 2003)
'Ve haf vays off making sure zat policies based on race vill not be killed off!'

"The Mäori seats must be retained because they remain an important safeguard against the tyranny of the majority."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon John Tamihere: 'Mäori Seats Safeguard Against Tyranny of the Majority,' Monday, 5 May 2003)
Better a tyranny of the brown minority, eh John?

"This initiative is about working collaboratively. The Ministry of Education will consult with teachers, researchers and educators, and with iwi and Pasifika communities."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: Best teaching practices to be developed
Tuesday, 6 May 2003)
'Te Ministry' will consult with teachers, researchers and educators … and ignore them if they disagree with the prevailing racist agenda.

"I am proud to be part of a Government that has remained focused on its commitment to promoting and protecting Mäori language and culture and providing an outlet for showcasing Mäori achievement."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Parekura Horomia: 'Government Switches On Mäori Television,' Wednesday, 7 May 2003)
Parekura: Proud to give away OPM (Other People's Money).

"[The Maori Television Service] will provide a unique vehicle for Mäori issues and perspectives to be discussed and disseminated to all New Zealanders."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'Maharey Notes – 87,' Wednesday, 7 May 2003)
Did someone say … 'propaganda'?

"This investment is part of the Government's commitment to increasing participation, improving quality and promoting collaborative relationships in early childhood education. This is particularly important for Mäori and Pacific children who currently participate
less than others."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'New early childhood education centres of innovation,' Thursday, 8 May 2003)
Still more money for apartheid.
"Education Minister Trevor Mallard announced a new early childhood education initiative that will create six Centres of Innovation, which will be used to build a strong research base to inform and develop models of best teaching practice......This is particularly important for Mäori and Pacific children who currently participate less than others."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Wise Up. A newsletter from the office of Trevor Mallard, Minister of Education,' Friday, 9 May 2003)
Best we get them indoctrinated early, eh Trev?

"Hence the government's major and ongoing investments in the many components of the wider cultural sector, beginning with the Cultural Recovery Package of May 2000.
You will be familiar with the work we have been doing in broadcasting since that time… working towards an effective Mäori television service."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'Acknowledging the contribution of commercial radio broadcasters,' Saturday, 10 May 2003)
Working towards racially separate broadcasting paid for with dollops of OPM (Other People's Money).

"The Government's new policy does not apply to the renewal of non-commercial rights and those reserved for the promotion of the Mäori language and culture. These rights are being considered separately and a Cabinet decision on this matter is expected later this year."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey:' Certainty for commercial radio licence
holders,' Saturday, 10 May 2003)
More special treatment for the Bros.

"The Waitangi Tribunal Report into the Mäori Electoral Option stated that 'under the terms of the Treaty, the Crown formally recognised the existing rights of the Mäori and undertook to protect them. It is in this sense that Mäori people have a special constitutional status."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Tariana Turia: 'Tariana Turia's Beehive Chat,' 12 May 2003
Monday, 12 May 2003)
Hot air from an especially flatulent blow-hard.

".....The same array of [NCEA] information will be there for Mäori students. We know that at tertiary level Mäori learners are doing better under the National Qualifications Frpm) ework. Now we'll be able to see if that trend also applies to the framework in schools and we'll be able to track the progress of Mäori learners over the years."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'NCEA statistics a milestone for learning – Mallard,' Monday, 12 May 2003)
All students are special. But some are more special than others.

"Key areas include long-term issues of sustainability, such as infrastructure provision, environmental care and protection, the involvement of Mäori in tourism."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Mark Burton: 'Quality information key to achieving tourism goals,' Tuesday, 13 May 2003)
The involvement of who in tourism? But that's not racism, is it now?

"Mr Speaker, I move that the Resource Management Amendment Bill No2 be now read a third time … Section 6 as introduced in 1991 read as follows:
Matters of national importance - In achieving the purpose of this Act, all persons exercising functions and powers under it, in relation to managing the use, development, and protection of natural and physical resources, shall recognise and provide for the following matters of national importance: … e) The relationship of Mäori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, waahi tapu, and other taonga.......For example a sacred site can be covered by cultural/ historic or sites of significance to Mäori, including waahi tapu.
These words have been in the Act since its introduction in 1991. I cannot recall any one having asked me to take these words out."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Marian Hobbs: Third Reading, Resource Management pm) endment Bill (No2), Tuesday, 13 May 2003)
You obviously haven't been listening, Marian.

"The settlement package includes

(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Margaret Wilson: 'Ngati Tama Claims Settlement Bill first reading,' Wednesday, 14 May 2003)
No special racial favours here. None at all. Uh huh. No way.

"We continue our commitment to increasing participation in quality early childhood education with an extra $55 million in spending over the next four years. This includes increased funding for early childhood centres and initiatives to improve the supply of qualified teachers, in particular for Mäori and Pasifika communities.
$6.5 million over three years is allocated for a programme of public information on the Treaty of Waitangi. At the same time the Government has been refocusing capacity building funding to a more strategic basis. This will enhance the integrity and credibility of government funding by ensuring the management structure of government funded Mäori organisations is strengthened.
Work will continue on a commonsense approach to facilitating collaboration between government agencies and Mäori community organisations. Solutions delivered by Mäori for Mäori are more likely to be successful in achieving the desired outcomes."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Dr Michael Cullen: '2003 Budget Speech,' Thursday, 15 May 2003)
Even more money for Apartheid … at every level.

"It is really good to see that the $167 million being spent nationwide to provide an extra 774 teachers will enable a teacher-student ratio in kura kaupapa and Mäori immersion classes of 1:20, and an extra 155 teachers teaching in te reo Mäori. And the $56 million Budget package aimed at making sure all 15-19-year-olds are in education, training or work will be a particular benefit to Mäori school leavers - a disproportionate number of whom leave school without formal qualifications."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon John Tamihere: 'The way forward for urban Mäori; Budget 2003,' Thursday, 15 May 2003)
Even more … oh, you know the drill.

"Mäori Affairs Minister and Associate Education Minister Parekura Horomia announced today new spending of $4.4 million over four years for trial projects designed to help whanau support their children's learning.
Parekura Horomia also announced new spending of $5.2 million over four
years to improve the professional development of teachers in te reo

(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Parekura Horomia: 'Budget to lift Mäori educational achievement,' 15 May 2003)_
More money to help, um, Close the, er, Gaps. Not racially-based though, eh.

"The Government will initiate a $6.5 million public information programme on the Treaty of Waitangi, honouring commitments made by Labour at the last election, MC481ori Affairs Minister Parekura Horomia announced today."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Parekura Horomia: 'Public information cpm) paign on the Treaty of Waitangi,' Thursday, 15 May 2003)
Don't mention propaganda.

"… an additional $1.4 million over the next four years for the Mäori/Pasifika early childhood education teacher scholarship programmes, aimed at increasing the number of qualified Mäori and Pasifika early childhood education teachers."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Extra funding for quality early childhood education,' Thursday, 15 May 2003)
More money for the bros.

"Mäori Affairs Minister Parekura Horomia today welcomed the provision in Budget 3002 of an additional $1 million to strengthen the capability of iwi radio stations throughout the country."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Parekura Horomia: '$1 million extra for iwi radio
Thursday,' 15 May 2003)
That would be … yet more money for the Bros, eh.

"Thirty-two Kura Kaupapa Mäori, Mäori Boarding schools, Wharekura and other schools that use Mäori language as the primary source of instruction now qualify for funding as part of the government's Gateway programme for schools … The package also expands the popular Modern Apprenticeships scheme which currently extends to one out of every seven of those taking part in the programme… That is around 750 fulltime Modern Mäori Apprentices … I'd like employers and educators to secure as many of these extra Modern Apprentices as possible, as a key contributor to economic growth
for Mäori."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Parekura Horomia: 'Mäori schools to benefit from Gateway programme,' Tuesday, 20 May 2003)
"To take just one example, for us, the focus for e-learning is on extending New Zealand e-learning through-out New Zealand, so that e-learning is available to New Zealanders no matter how remote and that e-learning must belong to New Zealand. So that it meets Mäori development aspirations, is of this place and appropriate for/relevant to our people…we're going to ensure the system we create contributes decisively to
Mäori development aspirations."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'Tertiary Education, 'National Develop
Tuesday,' 27 May 2003)
"Blah, blah … e-learning … blah, blah … Maori … blah, blah … aspirations" This guy really knows how to talk, huh?

"The New Zealand Tourism Strategy recognises the importance of Mäori in tourism.
Mäori Regional Tourism Groups have been set up and given $1 million over three years to help the government establish relations with tourism organisations. Through these initiatives we aim to provide SMEs involved in Mäori tourism the best help we can.
The Mäori Business Facilitation Service is a business-mentoring Agency in Te Puni Kokiri which gives free advice and help to those starting new businesses or running existing ones."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon John Tamihere: 'The Government's Approach to Mäori small-medium businesses,' Thursday, 29 May 2003)
If you're brown and in tourism, clap your hands.

"Strategy Two: Te Rautaki Matauranga Mäori - Contribute to the Achievement of Mäori Development Aspirations."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'A bright future ahead for the tertiary sector,' Thursday, 29 May 2003)
'Contribute, v.t. = to pay as one's share.' Shouldn't Maori be paying for their own aspirations, as we all do?

"Our Tertiary Education Strategy 2002/07 is at the heart of all this. As you know, the TES establishes six strategic priority areas, [including to] contribute to the achievement of Mäori development aspirations. A number of specific objectives have been highlighted. These include … tertiary education leadership that is effectively accountable to Mäori communities."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'Tertiary reform - implications for medicine and health sciences,' Friday, 6 June 2003)
We pay, they have the say. It's the new way!

"Trevor Mallard announced the extra money during a visit to Christchurch's Noku Te Au, which will receive more than $330,000 for a new building to create 25 extra places at the early childhood centre. It also focuses on increasing participation in quality early childhood education services by Mäori..."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Early childhood education to benefit more children,' Tuesday, 10 June 2003)
Sigh …

"Preparations are also underway for the significant jump of more than $9 million in new funding for vocational services in the 2004/2005 financial year. Additional funding will be offered to successful providers who are committed to employment outcomes for their clients and to ensuring services are responsive to the needs of groups who have traditionally missed out - people with significant disabilities, school leavers with high and complex support needs, Mäori, Pacific people, people with mental illness, people who live in rural or isolated areas, and women."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Ruth Dyson: 'Address Federation of Vocational and Support Services,' Thursday, 26 June 2003)
'If there is anyone here who I haven't yet patronised, I apologise.'

"It's important we have Mäori and Pasifika trustees to ensure that boards have input from the communities where we are seeking to boost achievement levels. A range of training and support is available to trustees at no cost. This includes board training, in-depth support and individual mentoring, support for planning and reporting, EEO training, networking for Mäori and Pasifika trustees in the minority on boards, and training for new trustees."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Role of school trustees in delivering education goals,' Thursday, 26 June 2003)
More patronising geek-speak.

"The Government, too, is showing its continuing commitment to the sector. You saw this in the recent Budget, where we announced a $55 million injection of new funding over four years to ensure access for more children [including] an additional $1.4 million over the next four years for the Mäori/Pasifika early childhood education teacher scholarship programmes, to boost teacher numbers. Equity funding has also enabled associations to provide extra support for kindergartens in low socio-economic areas or areas where there are high numbers of Mäori and Pasifika children."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Bedding in Pathways to the Future,'
Friday, 27 June 2003)
Pathways to a Separatist Future

"It is also developing guidance on case management and charging practices for iwi and hapu authorities."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon John Tamihere: 'Report back on the recommendations of the Ministerial Panel on Business Compliance Costs,' Tuesday, 1 July 2003)
No wonder they're taking so bloody long to cut all the red tape.
"You may be aware that the Government and Te Kohanga Reo National Trust recently signed an agreement which is about strengthening the relationship between both parties so that there are quality results for both whanau and mokopuna. The Government and the trust are committed to working closely to deliver on the shared goals of quality early learning, survival of Te Reo Mäori, and participation of tpm) ariki and matua in a whanau and Mäori cultural environment. An additional $1.4 million will be spent over the next four years for the Mäori/Pasifika early childhood education teacher scholarship programmes, aimed at increasing the number of qualified Mäori and Pasifika early childhood education teachers."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Progress in early childhood education,'
Tuesday, 1 July 2003)
Yes, Virginia. That's what is touted these days as 'progress.'

"We need to ensure that we are creating a strong economic future for young Mäori and Pacific Island people who are making up an increasingly large proportion of our working population. If Mäori and Pacific Island people do not succeed economically then New Zealand cannot succeed, and this is a challenge to all of us."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Jim Anderton: 'Population changes,' Thursday, 3 July 2003)
Jim Neanderton displays his usual impeccable logical skills.

"Our efforts in all these areas will need to be put into the context of the special place of Mäori in New Zealand's population, as enshrined in the Treaty of Waitangi."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'The population and sustainable development connection,' Thursday, 3 July 2003)
I don't recall 'Te Treaty' saying anything about anyone having a 'special place' of any sort! Perhaps you're thinking of those fictitious 'Principles of the Treaty,' Steve?

"The impact of this programme is expected to be particularly strong for Mäori and Pasifika students as these groups are over-represented in those schools likely to require more intensive support. "
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Education Today and for the Future,'
Friday, 4 July 2003)
We expect you to do badly. Please don't let us down.

"In addition, it is focused on increasing the consistency and quality of the visitor experience, developing unique new Mäori attractions, building the education and conference market, and attracting further investment into Northland's tourism sector."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Mark Burton: 'Northland funding great news for Northland tourism,' Monday, 21 July 2003)
You'd think if it was all so profitable they could pay for it all themselves, wouldn't you?

"The Activate Northland project also aims to increase the consistency and quality of the visitor experience. It seeks to develop unique new Mäori attractions and build the education and conference market in the region."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Jim Anderton: 'Anderton welcomes Northland tourism development initiative,' Monday, 21 July 2003)
Jim spending more OPM to try and look good. And still failing.

"Social Development in the knowledge society requires a commitment to world-class social policies in areas such as health, housing, education, social assistance, families and development policies for Mäori and Pacific communities.
Successful investment in children and young people would be shown by …
increasing rates of participation in high quality early childhood education, particularly amongst Mäori and Pacific children. We also need to recognise what makes us unique. And for New Zealand it is our relationships with Mäori, our first people, that allow us to develop a truly distinctive identity in the world. We also expect to see highly effective partnerships with iwi and Mäori organisations that are advancing Mäori development."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'Social Outlook - 10 years in the Future
Monday,' 28 July 2003)
Does anyone else feel nauseous after reading this?

"In addition, we will be establishing a Mäori Consultative Committee which will provide advice as to whether an invention involves traditional knowledge, indigenous plants and animals or is likely to be contrary to Mäori values. Many of the reforms have been driven by developments in technology. We have also been highly conscious of Mäori interests in intellectual property law."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Judith Tizard: 'Amendments proposed for the Patents Act and Plant Variety Rights Act,' Wednesday, 6 August 2003)
We do need to take account of all those wonderful Maori innovations from the eighteenth century that deserve copyright and patent protection.

"Five fellowships will be awarded to primary teachers and five to secondary teachers. One fellowship will be targeted at a teacher working in a Te Reo Mäori learning environment."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: E-learning fellowships for teachers announced
Tuesday, 12 August 2003)
Repeat after me: 'This is not funding based on race! Got that? No way. No, sir.'

"This review will improve local education by bringing it into line with the needs of the Turangi community, and making it more responsive to Mäori. "
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Turangi schools review proposal welcomed
Tuesday,' 12 August 2003)
When did Maori remove themselves from the community?

"New concepts in biodiversity conservation, integrated conservation management, Mäori involvement in conservation and the management of historic and cultural heritage would be stated formally for the first time since DOC was established in 1987, he said."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Chris Carter: 'New general policy for conservation in NZ
Friday,' 22 August 2003)
A special say for Maori, rewarding them for their guardianship of the Moa.

"The government will consult widely over the next five to six weeks on how to ensure public access for all New Zealanders to the seabed and foreshore while also acknowledging Mäori customary rights, Deputy Prime Minister Michael Cullen and Mäori Affairs Minister Parekura Horomia said today."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Dr Michael Cullen: 'Wide consultation on foreshores/seabed
Tuesday,' 26 August 2003)
Um, do you recall being 'consulted' about this?

"Now is an opportune time for a re-organisation of Matakaoa schools. We need to better match the number and type of schools to the requirements of the community. There is a special need to ensure that the area is served by a strong and sustainable kura kaupapa Mäori."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Review announced for Matakaoa schools,'
Friday, 5 September 2003)
A need? Identified by whom? Shouldn't we ban the passive verb from all Ministerial announcements?

"I am confident that the needs of the local Mäori community will be better met by the establishment (under section 156 of the Education Act) of a new Wharekura and that all students will enjoy the benefits of the operational resources released to individual schools."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Final decision on Turangi schools announced,' Wednesday, 10 September 2003)
More money for the Bros. Again.

"The report highlights the positive impact that kaupapa Mäori services are having on the lives of Mäori adults with an intellectual disability, and points out the importance of links with whanau, iwi and hapu."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Ruth Dyson: Launch 'To Have an Ordinary Life,' Thursday, 11 September 2003)
Ruth showing her well-known support for the family.

"Each of these initiatives (Training Opportunities, Youth Training, Skill Enhancement) represent a very important component of the overall strategy to ensure accessibility to the tertiary education system for all New Zealanders. And also a means of contributing to a system that more effectively meets Mäori expectations to enrich their lives and open doors to the knowledge society. It is my view, however, that as PTEs build on current strengths and seek to make a distinct contribution within the new tertiary education landscape, they will continue to be involved in the following education and training activities [including] developing and implementing programmes that meet the particular needs of Mäori learners."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'Private Tertiary Education: Securing a Place in a Collaborative System,' Wednesday, 17 September 2003)
Geek-speak from Little Stevie.

"The Law Commission began its review of the coronial system after it became aware (through its Succession Law project) of a number of concerns among Mäori about aspects of coronial practice. These concerns were also felt by other communities for cultural, religious and personal reasons. "
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Margaret Wilson: 'Changes proposed to Coroners Act,' Thursday, 2 October 2003)
So why mention Maori separately then?

"The strategy will be sensitive to the needs of all court users, with a focus on Mäori and Pacific peoples, recent migrants, refugees and people with disabilities."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Rick Barker: 'Government proposes new initiatives for the Family Court,' Monday, 13 October 2003)
Why focus on them especially?

"Since the initiative was established in 2000, the rate of suspension of Mäori students has reduced from 76 per 1000 to 48 per 1000 in 2002 in the 86 schools involved. Today's package of initiatives also sits alongside programmes designed to keep students engaged in and enthused about learning. These include the Mäori youth mentoring programme He Ara Tika, funding from the Innovations Pool for special programmes for at-risk students, alternative education programmes for students who are alienated from school, social workers in schools, and the activity centres that are
attached to schools and cater for at-risk students."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Extra $8.6 million to get students back into learning,' Tuesday, 14 October 2003)
More money for the Bros.

"Secondary teachers of maths, te reo Mäori and physics will receive a payment of $2500 each year in their second to fourth years of teaching to go towards repaying their student loans. A consultation and feasibility study by the Ministry of Education on setting up distance learning Mäori medium education, possibly through video-conferencing."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Student loan help to attract more teachers,'
Thursday, 16 October 2003)
And more.

"There will also be a diverse range of high quality post-school learning opportunities available to meet the needs of all young people, including our Mäori and Pasifika youth."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'Leave No Young Person Behind: The Role of Careers Advice in Youth Transitions,' Friday, 17 October 2003 3:21 pm)
And yet more.

"… and the principle that Mäori customary interests should be acknowledged and protected."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Dr Michael Cullen: 'Govt aiming for foreshore policy statement by Xmas,' Thursday, 23 October 2003)
Why not protect the property rights of all of us Michael, whatever our skin colour?

"We have made good progress in moving women and Mäori into senior management roles, although more remains to be done."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: Working together for a strong public service
Wednesday, 5 November 2003)
Presumably if these women and Maori were properly qualified they wouldn't have needed any special favours from Trevor. So …

"Secondly, I will talk in more depth about our three priorities for the years ahead - ensuring more home-grown leaders, continuing to reinforce public service values and doing better for Mäori. The third priority I wish to discuss today is the need to do better for Mäori. The public service must respond to the needs of Mäori as citizens, employees and parties to the Treaty of Waitangi. Mäori and Pacific peoples are more highly represented in the public service than in the employed labour force. They are not similarly represented at senior management level. This is something that I hope the new leadership strategy will address. All provide opportunities to achieve better results for Mäori. And better results for Mäori mean better results for New Zealand. Again there are many resources available. For example, Te Puni Kokiri's publication - He Tirohanga o Kawa ki te Tiriti o Waitangi - provides guidance for those called on to formulate policy and advice on the application of Treaty principles in their organisation."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Government priorities for the public service
Thursday,' 6 November 2003)
'Treaty principles.' What Treaty bloody principles?

"So much else that is positive is happening in Mäoridom. Mäori unemployment has fallen sharply since 1999. There are many new initiatives in education, health, housing, and family services."
(PRESS RELEASE: Rt. Hon Helen Clark: 'Address to NZ Labour Party Conference
Saturday,' 8 November 2003)
And those initiatives don't come cheap.

"For me, some of the highlights of the Northland Strategy [include] the increased emphasis on Mäori involvement in tourism - eg the proposed development of a Pou Pou ("Poh Poh") trail through the Rohe of Northland is a fantastic concept."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Mark Burton: 'Launch of Northland Tourism Strategy
Thursday,' 20 November 2003 3:11 pm)
Bullshit from Burton.

"In 2000 this government agreed that the establishment of the channel was a priority within the Mäori broadcasting policy area, and we remain strongly supportive of
Mäori Television. Development of this service fulfils a Treaty obligation on behalf of the
Crown to enhance and maintain Te Reo Mäori."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'Ensuring a future for independent production,' Saturday, 22 November 2003)
Um, which Article promised free telly for Maori, Steve?

"An independent statutory commission with appropriate expertise will move systematically around New Zealand examining, according to tikanga Mäori, who holds mana and ancestral connection over which areas. To address these problems, the government will establish and resource 16 regionally based working groups comprising central government, local government and Mäori to reach agreement on how Mäori participation in coastal management might be improved. The net effect of these changes will be to give recognition to rights which are not currently recognised and to put more teeth into existing consultative and participative arrangements with Mäori."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Dr Michael Cullen:' Government proposals on foreshore-seabed,' Wednesday, 17 December 2003)
Do I hear the word 'separatism'?

"Few New Zealanders would object to some recognition of the special status of Mäori as the indigenous people."
(PRESS RELEASE: Rt. Hon Helen Clark: 'Foreshore and seabed: an exercise in relationship building,' Wednesday, 17 December 2003)
Helen hasn't been listening either!

"Progress on implementing He Korowai Oranga: the Mäori Health Strategy is also outlined in the report, including actions to enhance relationships between DHBs and Mäori and to involve Mäori in PHOs. To help DHBs focus their efforts, the Minister of Health agreed to work on seven key service priorities in the short term. These were chosen for their impact on a wide range of priorities and objectives outlined in the strategy. They [include] achieving Mäori advancement in health through implementation of He Korowai Oranga (The Mäori Health Strategy). The 2003 report is structured around the seven principles of the New Zealand Health Strategy. They [include] acknowledging the special relationship between Mäori and the Crown under the Treaty of Waitangi."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Annette King: 'King releases third progress report on implementing New Zealand Health Strategy,' Thursday, 18 December 2003)
More bullshit from non-existent Treaty principles.

"And I am also pleased that many DHBs are fostering Mäori involvement in the health and disability sector through formal governance-level relationships with iwi. Examples include:

Many PHOs are developing innovative means of involving Mäori in PHO development, including:

I am also very pleased to see four Wellington case studies included in the report [including]:
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Annette King: 'Third progress report on implementing the New Zealand Health Strategy,' Thursday, 18 December 2003)
Still more separatist bullshit.

"Minister of Tourism Mark Burton & Associate Minister of Tourism Dover Samuels today announced appointments to the Board of the Mäori Arts and Crafts Institute (MACI).
Established in 1963, MACI's role is to promote Mäori arts and crafts, to train Mäori in them, and to protect and develop the land at Whakarewarewa.
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Mark Burton: 'Mäori Arts and Crafts Institute Board appointments,' Wednesday, 14 January 2004)
More Bros sucking off the State tit.

"Mäori achievement is accelerating under this government and I make absolutely no apologies to Dr Brash or his Act coalition partner for boosting Mäori involvement in tertiary education and training opportunities."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Parekura Horomia: 'Education and employment priority for Mäori,' Wednesday, 28 January 2004)
'Separatism rules, OK!'

"During his comments Steve Maharey also took aim at National leader Don Brash's recent comments criticising the government for customising social services to meet the particular needs of Mäori."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Steve Maharey: 'News and happenings from the Office of Hon Steve Maharey,' Wednesday, 4 February)
'Separatism rules, OK!'

"What do reviews mean for Mäori? Reviews consider every type of education relevant to the local area. They attempt to ensure that the needs of all the area's students are adequately catered for [including] the place of Mäori immersion teaching in an area, the needs of Mäori students, the role of iwi and their relationship with local schools are all considered as part of the review consultation process."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon Trevor Mallard: 'Proposed school network announced for Grey Valley,' Wednesday, 4 February 2004)
'Separatism rules, OK!'

"I experienced an epiphany at Waitangi: I realised I agreed with Don Brash. Not with the 'one people' line or any of that nonsense, but on one point he's right. Maori do get special treatment, or more specifically, the mob up at Te Tii Marae do."
(PRESS RELEASE: Hon John Tamihere: 'Waitangi Day' - Dominion Post column
Tuesday, 10 February 2004)
Hallelujah! I think John's getting it!

"The decline in unemployment among Maori and Pacific peoples has been huge, and we are determined to make even more inroads there. The excitement comes in seeing those communities - regional, suburban, small town, big city, Maori, Pasifika and other ethnic minority groups - step forward to be part of the solutions. And I will rejoice this year when Maori television goes to air, knowing what that means to the preservation of the language and to Maori pride and self esteem. I will rejoice when the Maori fisheries legislation passes, knowing that the resources for allocation are greater than those of all other settlements to date combined. I will rejoice as I see growing numbers of Maori in work, in education, and in decent housing."
(PRESS RELEASE: Rt. Hon Helen Clark: Prime Minister's Statement to Parliament
Tuesday, 10 February 2004)
And I will rejoice when I see a colour-blind equality before the law. Not this year, it seems.

"As I stand at the door of the new Parliamentary year, I take a very optimistic view of our race relations. Much has been said of late about the relationship between Maori and Pakeha in New Zealand. What has been said is divisive, destructive, and time wasting."
(PRESS RELEASE: Rt. Hon Helen Clark: 'Looking ahead,' Wednesday, 11 February 2004)
'To act on the basis of race is not racist. But to say that the Government should deal with all New Zealanders equally, regardless of rights is somehow 'divisive, destructive, and time wasting.' Did somebody mention 'Newspeak'?

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