The Politically Incorrect Show - 26/10/2000
[Music - Die Fledermaus]
Good afternoon, Kaya Oraaa & welcome to the Politically Incorrect Show on the free speech network, Radio Pacific, for Thursday October 26, proudly sponsored by Neanderton Nicotine Ltd., the show that says bugger the politicians & bureaucrats & all the other bossyboot busybodies who try to run our lives with our money; that stands tall for free enterprise, achievement, profit, & excellence, against the state-worshippers in our midst; that stands above all for the most sacred thing in the universe, the liberty of the human individual.
[Music up, music down!]
Here in the Sheeple's Republic of Aotearoa, Nanny State is acquiring ever more control over what we're allowed to think, drink, eat, smoke, say, print, read & wear. Many sheeple want Nanny to acquire TOTAL control over these things. North Korea, where Nanny's power IS absolute, should be a role model for such sheeple. Madeleine Albright has just been there, accompanied by a retinue of reporters. One of them, Doug Struck, filed a story for the Washington Post, called 'Not Allowed' as a Way of Life. The full version can be found on their web site. I'd like to read some extracts now:
The woman with the red armband at the door of the train station stepped forward briskly as a stranger approached. "Not allowed," she said firmly, blocking his way.
North Korea is a place where much is not allowed.
The country is being toasted by the diplomatic world for undertaking a dramatic reversal of its isolationist ways, a process hastened by the visit today and Tuesday of U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright. But within its tight borders, this remains a rigid dictatorship untouched by any flowering of personal freedoms.
Pyongyang, the capital, has the feel of other iron-fisted regimes. The people carry the same frightened look as those in Baghdad under Saddam Hussein and in Damascus under the late Hafez Assad. It is the look of people who fear those with power and are unable to exercise any of their own. "I don't think I've ever had a conversation about politics with a North Korean here," said one member of Pyongyang's tiny community of foreign residents.
Although North Korea took an unprecedented step of allowing 46 American journalists into the normally secretive country to cover Albright's visit, old habits remain firmly in place. The answer to most of the journalists' requests was "not allowed."
It was not allowed to visit a department store.
It was not allowed to go into a train station.
It was not allowed to talk to any officials. And it certainly was not allowed to talk to any people on the street.
In fact, it was not allowed to leave the hotel except to witness officially approved ceremonies...
Incomes are meager--the equivalent of between $1 and $2 a month. But housing, utilities and food rations are provided by the government free, or for a nominal fee. In any case, there are few signs of people working around Pyongyang; many of those who are employed work for the government. The blue-uniformed policewomen posted in the middle of major intersections direct the sparse traffic with a small street show. They snap their commands and pirouette in metronomic precision as the old trucks chug by. Elsewhere on the streets, the old-fashioned but crisp military uniforms of soldiers abound. North Korea, a country of just over 22 million people, has a standing army of more than 1 million. The olive drab pants and jacket favored by North Korean leader Kim Jong Il are an Everyman's uniform, worn by many here.
But if much of Pyongyang is threadbare and shabby, that is not true of the towering monuments that break the monotony of the city. At the "Great Monument," for example, a 60-foot Kim Il Sung--founder of the communist state--gestures in bronze grandeur, as women sweep leaves from the grass and meticulously tend the flowers around it.
At night, as apartment buildings are periodically plunged into darkness, huge electricity-sucking flood lamps light the Great Monument and dozens of others of its ilk around the city. But no one complains.
It is not allowed.
Are we too doomed to become a society where 'not allowed' is a way of life, presided over by Comrade "The state is sovereign" Clark & Jim Il Sung?
Not if this programme has anything to do with it.
Politically Incorrect Show, where 'not allowed' is not allowed ... 309 3099.
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