Lindsay Perigo
Lindsay Perigo

The Politically Incorrect Show - 09/07/2001

[Music - Die Fledermaus]

Good afternoon, Kaya Oraaa & welcome to the Politically Incorrect Show on the free speech network, Radio Pacific, for Monday July 9, proudly sponsored by Neanderton Nicotine Ltd., the show that says bugger the politicians & bureaucrats & all the other bossyboot busybodies who try to run our lives with our money; that stands tall for free enterprise, achievement, profit, & excellence, against the state-worshippers in our midst; that stands above all for the most sacred thing in the universe, the liberty of the human individual.

[Music up, music down!]

It's a funny thing, the New Zealand Herald. It used to be called Granny Herald because of its conservatism, & lampooned as the print arm of the National Party. Now it is the print arm of the present Labour/Alliance government, & it pleases me to call it the Daily Marxist. Saturday's edition gave great prominence to two Marxists - cabinet minister Laila Harre & a visiting anti-free trade activist. As it happens, another political activist has just arrived in the country - Jim Peron, from South Africa. He is an accomplished writer & speaker, but it's unlikely you'll find him splashed over the pages of the Daily Marxist anytime soon. You see, Jim's message is not popular with the Herald - it's the same message I shout from the rooftops: individual freedom & its economic corollaries, free trade & free markets. Here is how Jim concluded an article he had published in the Johannesburg Star recently:

"Worldwide the trend is not merely that the rich are getting richer but that most people are getting richer, with the exception of those still living in countries that follow Marxist policies. People today are living longer, healthier lives than did their parents. If poverty were becoming more widespread as wealth concentrates in the hands of a few, this wouldn't be happening.

"The reason for improved conditions is that people have greater economic freedom as more countries liberate citizens from the oppression of autocratic and dictatorial interference in voluntary economic exchanges. Economic freedom allows people to use their innate talents to best advantage. It allows the rich to get richer, and the poor to get richer faster."

Mr Peron WILL feature prominently in the next issue of my own publication, The Free Radical. In the meantime, the Daily Marxist would rather publish the likes of the following, from Laila Harre on Saturday:

"One of my biggest weaknesses is my failure to plan. I think the state should do that."

Well, the Herald is a private publication & is free to publish what it wants, but I do find it odd when free enterprise gives such avid exposure to its enemies. I put it down to the education system having done its work - the young generation has been thoroughly steeped in the bromides of anti-capitalism, big government & Political Correctness, & the new breed of journalists is reflecting that fact. One simple question, though, should give Daily Marxist luminaries cause for pause - would they want their own newspaper to be taken over by the government?

Yes, it's a funny thing, the Herald - but it's no laughing matter.

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