Mario Lanza Photo Album, Page 1
A selection of photos of Mario Lanza, friends and colleagues.

Drawing of Mario Lanza by Armando Cesari

Painting of Lanza as Otello by Armando Cesari

Singing Addio alla madre in Because You're Mine

In Cosi Fan Tutte - scene from For The First Time

Publicity still for The Great Caruso

Betty pinning the Golden Mask on Mario's lapel 1957

Having a break while recording CC program at NBC 1952

Singing La Danza in Serenade

With Licia Albanese In Otello - scene from Serenade

Publicity still for That Midnight Kiss

Publicity pose for The Toast Of New Orleans

With friend Barry Nelson in 1947

With Sarita Montiel on Serenade set

With Sam Weiler - 1947

With George London - 1947.

With Eduard Franz in scene from Because You're Mine

Armando Cesari With 3 beauties

W Green and Adler - Great Caruso prerecordings

W Betty and Johanna on For the First Time set

Singing Because in The Great Caruso

Sextet Rehearsal - Great Caruso prerecordings

New Orleans Opera program

New Orleans Opera Cast

In Aida chorus - The Great Caruso

Honolulu Concert program

Honolulu Concert

Cut scene from Because You're Mine

Book signing

As Spoleta in The Great Caruso