Mario Lanza Reviews, Page 1
A selection of reviews of Mario Lanza from 1952 to 1979.

Charles Osborne Hi-Fi News and Record Review October 1973

Charles Osborne on Vesti La Giubba -Opera on Record 1979

Charles Osborne Opera on Record 1979

David Denton Records and Recordings October 1973 A

David Denton Records and Recordings October 1973 B

Delcie C. Howard Records and Recordings October 1967

Edward Greemfield - Stereo Record Guide 1963

George Jellinek Hi-Fi Stereo Review September 1967

John Freestone Gramophone August 1952 A

John Freestone Gramophone August 1952 B

John Freestone Gramophone June 1952

John Freestone Gramophone November 1952 A

John Freestone Gramophone November 1952 B

John Freestone Gramophone November 1953

John Freestone Gramophone September 1952 A

John Freestone Gramophone September 1952 B

Oliver King - Gramophone August 1951

Oliver King - Gramophone July 1951

Stereo Record Guide 1961 A

Stereo Record Guide 1961 B

Stereo Record Guide 1963

Stereo Record Guide 1968

The Record Guide 1955

The Record Year 1952

The Record Year 1953 A

The Record Year 1953 B

The Record Year 1953 C

The Record Year 1953 D

W.A Chislett Gramophone February 1952

W.A Chislett Gramophone January 1954

W A Chislett The Gramophone November 1967