"The Free Radical is the freshest, most daring, most honest, clearest-thinking libertarian magazine I have ever seen. it positively trounces 'Reason,' 'Liberty,' 'The Freeman,' etc. I am proud to have written for it."
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- George Reisman
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- Don Brash
Special Online Content
Mario Lanza - passionate & powerful! Here are some
photos, reviews & resources pertaining to the great operatic singer.
- A Constitution for New Freeland - "When in the course of human affairs it becomes necessary for citizens to break the political chains that have hitherto bound them, and to reclaim the individual sovereignty which is their birthright, it can be opportune for them to declare the causes which have impelled them to self-liberation. We, the freedom-loving citizens of New Zealand, choose to do so at this epoch-making moment."
- In the Revolution's Twilight - Lindsay Perigo's spirited take on NZ's market "revolution," originally presented at the Institute for Objectivist Studies in the U.S.
- The Apartheid Horror File 2003 - examples of race-based policy and funding statements from Cabinet Ministers since April 2003.
Lindsay Perigo
- Ayn Rand "In the course of conceiving her heroes, Ayn Rand came to realise that the philosophy on which they proceeded, implicitly or explicitly, did not exist - and that she, therefore, would have to formulate it. The first comprehensive statement of what she came to call "Objectivism" was a three-hour radio address by John Galt in Atlas Shrugged. She spent two years on the writing of it. It was nothing less than revolutionary."
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